[vc_row gap=”35″ equal_height=”yes” content_placement=”middle” bg_type=”bg_color” parallax_content=”parallax_content_value”][vc_column width=”1/2″ el_class=”padcol”][vc_column_text]The Hallelujah contest accepts Jewish singers ages 18 to 30 coming from all over the world. Hundreds of talented, Jewish singers from all over the globe will submit their videos. Those selected by the judges will be invited to Israel to participate in the Hallelujah program.
The 100 candidates which are chosen will receive a notification confirming they passed to the second stage of the selection process and must submit a second audition, this time of a song in Hebrew chosen from the Hallelujah song list. The audition must be uploaded to YouTube and they must send the html link by email to info@hallelujah.org.il
The applicants who reached this stage should begin preparing for a 20 day trip to Israel, since they will have a 40% chance to be among the 30 contestants (for more details, look at the Hallelujah program schedule). Those who are unable to travel must inform us at this point.
The Hallelujah Team of Judges will choose 30 contestants which will be notified about their acceptance into the program and will be sent an invitation to come to Israel. They must send us their selection of 3 songs chosen among the song list according to their order of preference (1st, 2nd, 3rd). The participants are responsible for ordering their ticket to Israel on the designated date. The program costs (board, meals and program travels) are covered by Hallelujah.
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