ראשי » Products » Accessories for robots » GECKO GRIPPER
The Gecko Gripper uses millions of micro-scaled fibrillar stalks that adhere to a surface using powerful van der Waals forces — the same way that geckos climb.
Inspired by nature, the Gecko makes it possible to attach and lift any kind of flat and smooth surfaces without compressed air or any external power, using easy gripping technology for Pick & Place applications. Since the Gecko does the lifting without compressed air or any other external power, it gives you a more efficient, cost-effective solution. The Gecko Gripper can handle with items up yo 4.1 kg.
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Tel: +972-3-904-7689
Email: info@gg-el.com
Granit 5 St. Petach tikva, Israel, P.O.BOX 3442, Zip 4951404